Pet Surgical Procedures

From routine to advanced surgical procedures, our practice offers safe and effective options using state-of-the-art equipment and best practices.

At The Pet Vet on Patton, we understand that you are probably nervous about submitting your pet to any type of surgical procedure.

Our compassionate and caring professionals monitor your pet before, during, and after surgery and take exceptional care to ensure your pet's safety and complete recovery.

Related Services

State-of-the-art surgical procedures that are safe and effective.


Our experienced team takes anesthesia very seriously and utilizes a safe, multi-modal approach for each animal we treat. We use a combination of pre-op assessments, modern anesthetic agents, and the latest anesthetic monitoring equipment to keep your pet safe, and the risks of surgery as low as possible.

Spay & Neuter

Deciding to spay or neuter your pet is a significant step towards improving their health and wellbeing. By removing the reproductive organs, you are preventing unexpected litters and protecting your pet from various reproductive cancers. Spay and neuter surgeries are a key component of preventative wellness care, ensuring your pet leads a longer, healthier life.

Soft Tissue Surgery

Our veterinarians perform a wide range of soft tissue surgeries that involve your pet's internal organs, body wall, masses or tumors and hernias or other defects. Common veterinary soft tissue surgeries include spay/neuters, mass/tumor removals, intestinal foreign body removal, laceration and wound repair, eye surgery, and more.

Mass Removal

Masses are a common condition in pets than can range in size and cause. Mass removals typically require anesthesia, allowing us to remove the mass in question effectively and painlessly. Once the mass is removed, our veterinary team will use key diagnostic processes to diagnose your pet's mass and deteremine the best next steps.

Laser Surgery

Many of our procedures are done utilizing our surgical laser; a device that uses a beam of light at a specific wavelength. All laser surgerical procedures are done under the safest conditions; monitored by EKGs, pulse oximeters, cardiac monitors, and supported by intravenous fluid therapy. Did you know laser surgery also minimizes bleeding, pain, and infection?

Orthopedic Surgery

Our veterinarians routinely perform orthopedic surgeries, which are procedures related to your pet's bones and joints. Common orthopedic pet surgeries include bone fracture repair, cruciate ligament repair, extracapsular and TPLO techniques, leg or toe amputation, patellar luxation repair, and surgeries to treat hip dysplasia, including femoral head ostectomy (FHO).

Dental Surgery

Family pets need regular dental checkups to ensure good oral health. But even with good oral hygiene and regular cleanings, your pet may require a dental extraction as they age. If your pet needs dental surgery or dental cleaning, we administer anesthesia to allow for comprehensive access to the teeth, gums, and oral tissues. Anesthesia makes it possible to perform dental procedures with less stress and pain for your pet.
